Tracing and re-uniting Biological Relatives
My specialist DNA Detective Investigation can help you find out so much more about your family tree – such as tracing biological family.
Even if the person you’re trying to find hasn’t taken a DNA test, a relative of theirs may have – and this is where I come in: I am experienced in re-uniting families, locating previously unknown parents, and discovering who mystery DNA matches are.
An estimated 100 million people worldwide share their genetic information with companies like AncestryDNA, 23andMe, and MyHeritageDNA and this is the information that will lead me to your biological family. Ancestry has the largest database, and in most cases should be your first choice if you’ve not yet had your DNA tested.
If you’ve already done a test, and are confused about the results, I can quickly help establish the answers to your DNA matching mysteries. I use my expert knowledge, the latest technology and rapidly evolving search techniques to access a world of genealogy records, archival newspapers, and multiple other historical documents to help you re-unite with long lost biological family members. What are you waiting for?!